Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thank you

Thank you to all who have shared our journey.
I have take the blog down.  I appreciate all of the support and suggestions regarding what to do with this massive body of writing.  I need some time to sit with our story and let our family settle in to our new normal.  We are finding our footing and I have a lot of confidence in my relationship with Benjy and the abilities of our family.  We will find our way forward together.

If you need to reach me directly, you can do so at 


  1. Thinking of you, as always. Take your time finding your new normal, and don't worry if it takes some time to figure it out. Thank you for sharing this journey with us, and I'm sorry it didn't have the ending that we all wanted. If you need listeners, don't hesitate to holler - but revel in the silence if that is what is helpful.

    Tina in CA.

  2. You are an amazing family and each of you stands out as individuals. I have faith that you will find your footing and go on to heal. And those of us lucky enough to know you will grow stonger too.

    With much admiration and love, Cousin Cheryl


Thanks for your comments!